Wednesday, May 20, 2009

No Apology Required

The plan was to rent a car and drive around the Mosel river valley and check out some of the beautiful sites on offer there.   First thing, our original transportation option broke down leaving us with the dreaded option of renting.  We arrived to the car rental place only to find out that our reservation could not be met as requested and we would be upgraded.  I have rented before and the upgrade is not the biggest deal until this black beauty came zipping around the corner and the keys slid in my direction.  My friend could hardly contain his excitement so he got first dibs on the wheel.  After getting the full insurance package, we rocketed off onto the local Autobahn.  You have to test the car, right?

We were off to Metz to see the cathedral and its famous Chagall windows.  Next came a night in Saarbruecken and a trip to the wine country.  I am not a big wine fan, but going to a wine producing area does tend to take you to very beautiful places.  Trier was nice but packed with tourists on this practicular day.  Next was Thoernich and the real wine producers.  Was a lot of fun to stay the night out there and I could not imagine any place like it in America.  We managed to come home in time to see the brilliant football of FCS as they managed to power their way into the top rung of amateur German football (the soccer kind).  Unfortunately, my time in the Saarland was limited and I had to get home to meet some other friends for a Swedish excursion. 

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