Saturday, February 21, 2009

I Live on What?

During the introduction meeting with the housing office, it was casually mentioned that our residence was in need of some soil tests to see if a factory nearby had contaminated the area.  I originally though this would mean a few engineers or scientists walking around taking samples with a small shovel.  What showed up was the small tank/drilling rig you see here.  It drilled holes for two weeks, six days a week, starting at 7 am.  Needless to say, the homeless looking construction workers became the most hated individuals in Holger.  Thankfully they are finished, unless they find something and then I will have to learn the best way to sabotage one of these drills.  On top of the whole living on a theoretical Superfund site, it was recently published in the daily English newspaper that exchange students are paying at least twice the market rate for housing at CBS.  Here is the original story and the follow-up.

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